Grant Application
A limited amount of grant application is available for (a) young scientists and (b) scientists attending from developing countries. This assistance is available only for participants who will present a paper in the conference and who fulfill the above conditions.
We have three categories for financial support.

1. A: Registration fee

2. B: (maximum JPY 100,000)
   - Partial support including accommodation fee

3. C: (maximum JPY 250,000)
   - Partial support including air ticket fee

Grant Application closed.

Jan. 31st Feb. 15th: Deadline for grant application
Apr. 15th: Notification of results

*Applicants of this grant application can make their registration payment only after the result is notified on Apr. 15. (You have to pay abstract submission fee by January 31 February 15).
*All subsidies (except registration fee) will be provided at the venue without any exception.
*The registration fee of the accepted applicants will be automatically balanced by the grant.